Suppliers must:
- Not deviate from control plan requirements, material specifications/designated sources or manufacturing processes employed at the time of initial part approval without ITW approval.
- Maintain accountability for all products including revision status of all parts/components, traceability to date of manufacture and material used, and specific records of nonconforming product disposition completion.
- Maintain positive physical control and identification of nonconforming product designated as scrap until physically destroyed.
- Not apply a “use as is” disposition to nonconforming product without written approval from ITW.
- Report to ITW on the same day of discovery any situations where it is discovered after-the-fact that nonconforming product was inadvertently shipped.
- Apply nonconforming product controls to materials with known expiration dates (e.g., adhesive- backed product, labels, epoxy, preform, solder, etc.) within 25% of its useful life.
- Retain inspection records with traceability to the specific related product for a minimum of 7 years after the date of manufacture. After retention period ends, supplier must contact an ITW Quality, Engineering, or Sourcing manager for the review of processes prior to the final disposition of records.
- Provide a legible copy of actual inspection results with each shipment.
- Comply with and document compliance for FIFO best practices for components shipped to ITW.
- Establish and maintain controls for acceptance authority media (e.g., stamps, electronic signatures, passwords).
- Inform ITW prior to acceptance of any order for a new or existing part of any gaps in the information provided by ITW that could result in the supplier producing any product or failing to meet any other requirements expected by/defined by ITW.
- Accurately and completely communicate in writing all pertinent ITW requirements to sub- suppliers, including key characteristics where required.
- Periodically check the condition of any production equipment or tooling used on aerospace parts while the equipment or tooling is in storage.
- Accommodate reasonable requests by ITW, its customers or customer representatives for whom you supply product and/or the FAA for access to your facilities and product-related records.
- The supplier shall prevent the use of counterfeit material by ensuring only new and authentic materials are used in products. The seller may only purchase parts from original equipment manufacturers (OEM), authorized distributors or authorized after-market manufacturers.
Rev: 5/25/2022